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Who is Dave Cook?

I was born and raised in Kansas. Born into a family with a Godly father and mother, all of us were musical in one form or another... church organists, performance artists and entertainers, etc. I was drawn to music as a child and grew in appreciation for it throughout my school years into college. Later, I traveled as a drummer/writer arranger for a couple of road bands picking up experience that would become valuable later on. God got a hold of me in my early twenties. I joined a student ministry at the University of Kansas for the next 13 years. During that time I met and married my wife, Becky. We raised our family in Lawrence, KS and continued to live there for 35 years. During that time I composed various pieces for various groups ranging from children's church ministries (Heartseed) to choirs (Snow Is Bright/A Trilogy of Praise/What Wondrous Love) to projects involving Bible study and memorization (Scripture Release:The Topical Memory System). Along the way there were songs for the Opening of the Liberty Weekend Ceremonies in N.Y.N.Y. and a memorial piece to the fallen of 9/11.

Do you make your living from music?

No. I was a piano tuner for over 25 years in Kansas and presently am a shuttle driver for a resort in the Ozarks of Southern Missouri. God has never opened a door for a career in music. I've never much pursued it. His leading for me seems to be to make His word available via scripture songs to as many people as possible.

What is your educational background?

I attended Wichita State University as a freshman, followed by two years at the University of Kansas. My emphasis was in performance. I have never formally studied music composition or arranging. What abilities I may have are God's doing along with a lot of listening over the years!

Do you have or use a particular studio?

The majority of the music was created in my "studio" on my iMac with the aid of Logic Audio and sampled sounds from Kirk Hunter (www.kirkhunterstudios.com) and various other GM offerings. Logic Audio is one of a number of music processors that, among other things, manipulates musical sounds in a fashion similar to a word processor manipulating a character of the alphabet. Every song needs a couple of thousand edits to bring about a finished performance.

The Topical Memory System project was completed in Nashville with major help from Mike Demus.

Heartseed  was created on my old Peavey DPM3 and was recorded in Lawrence with John Flynn running the soundboard. The young voices were the kids from my church.

"What Wondrous Love" is a live concert performance by the Lawrence Civic Choir (with myself conducting). All the rest is from the iMac.

Why are there not voices on a number of the songs?

At the time of this writing (July 2011) there remains a number of songs without voices. I understand, on several levels, the need to address this lack as soon as possible. But,... With that in mind,...

Singers/Vocalists/Talent of spiritual America...& beyond!

Scripture Release! is looking for voices to demonstrate scripture songs at its website. Do you have studio quality talent? Do you have a desire to spread the truth of God's word around the world?

Here is your opportunity!!

This is the plan: Pick one or two of the songs from the SR! website that do not have a voice trac. Using your own equipment and/or personnel (studio, piano, church band, church choir, etc.) produce a demo trac and submit it for possible use at the Scripture Release website. You may use the trac provided for that song or create a new performance based upon the trac and sheet music pdf. When you think you have a quality performance make an mp3 of it and send it to Dave's email at: [email protected].

I will personally listen to every file that is submitted. I will probably have time to respond only to those whose files I use. NOTE: The use of your performance will not involve a financial, marketing or promotional gain to you in any way! Nor will you be recompensed for your submission. Your involvement, like mine, is a matter of the heart and the desire to honor God in whatever way He chooses.

I have no idea how much of a response this notice will cause. If your performance is not used I can only give you the advice which was given me over 30 years ago. That is, to "use your talents and music in your local setting for the benefit of the people near by."

That being said, I can't wait to hear your performances.
God bless your endeavors!!

Does Scripture Release have future plans?

I have a long list of things I would like/need to do. The remainder of the TMS... a long list of songs/verses in my "To Be Developed" folder... More Hymns Again... a project focusing on spiritual warfare songs... & on. I would love to visit churches, give them a vision for scripture songs, conduct some choirs, encourage young writer/composers to use scripture texts for their compositions. Oh, and yes, be a super grandfather to my grandchildren!

Permission for use of music:

The music of Scripture Release is intended to be used freely by individual believers and churches who want to deepen their walk with God by exposure to His word! Apart from the one exception (Jude 24,25), the remainder of the files (mp3/pdf) may be used freely for whatever purposes that might glorify God. Rather than just passing the files around (choirs/bands being the exception), I would prefer that you tell others to visit the Scripture Release website on their own to listen and download the free files.

NOTE: IF YOU USE SCRIPTURE RELEASE MUSIC IN A "FOR PROFIT" PROJECT YOU MUST CONTACT DAVE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A LICENSE FOR USE. For international believers... please note the "challenge" on the Topical Memory System page.

The only "income" I receive from this music is through CCLI royalties. If you are a church please be sure to mention Scripture Release/Scripture Song Source songs in your CCLI surveys. If you are a church and NOT a member of CCLI you need to be! www.ccli.com


Facebook is the bbs/news/blog for Scripture Release. If you want to stay in contact or make a comment, use the link given.

Other Contact:

Email Dave if you have a personal comment/suggestion: [email protected]