Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15 (NASV)

The tunes themselves were designed with the purpose of sharing God's word, i.e. There is no repetition of words or phrases... the song goes straight through each verse twice and ends with the reference. (No more wondering where the verse is found!) The tunes are short, almost like commercial jingles... colorful, each with a unique personality to aid in memorization. Two weeks of listening at home or in your car will implant the Topical Memory System into your life!
The accompaniment tracs of Volume One are included as part of a challenge. The Scripture Release website has been seeing continual growth from English speaking believers from around the world for some time. Here is the proposition:
Any Christian believer who would like to use these accompaniment tracs to create a new version of the Topical Memory System in their own (non-English) language is welcome to use them for that purpose with my blessing.
The only stipulation being that, IF there is to be financial return involved, you must contact me to arrange an agreement. Otherwise,... produce your version, make your cds, mp3s, etc. and distribute them (for free)! Let God be magnified!
The Topical Memory System songs: Group A ~ Live The New Life | ||||
Download all 12 songs of Group A | mp3 | |||
Individually: | ||||
II Corinthians 5:17 | Lisa Bevill ( | mp3 | trac | |
Galatians 2:20 | Michael Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
Romans 12:1* | Michael Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
John 14:21 | Scat Springs | mp3 | trac | |
II Timothy 3:16 | Tom Lane ( | mp3 | trac | |
Joshua 1:8 | Lisa Bevill | mp3 | trac | |
John 15:7 | Scat Springs | mp3 | trac | |
Philippians 4:6&7 | Michael & Fiona Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
Matthew 18:20 | Lisa Bevill | mp3 | trac | |
Hebrews 10:24,25 | Michael Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
Matthew 4:19 | Lisa Bevill | mp3 | trac | |
Romans 1:16 | Lisa Bevill | mp3 | trac | |
*This song is also available in a Piano/Vocal version in Calls To Worship. |
The Topical Memory System songs: Group B ~ Live The New Life | ||||
Download all 12 songs of Group B | mp3 | |||
Individually: | ||||
Romans 3:23 | Lisa Bevill | mp3 | trac | |
Isaiah 53:6 | Michael Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
Romans 6:23 | Tom Lane | mp3 | trac | |
Hebrews 9:27 | Kim Hill ( | mp3 | trac | |
Romans 5:8 | Michael Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
I Peter 3:18 | Michael Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
Ephesians 2:8,9 | Tom Lane | mp3 | trac | |
Titus 3:5 | Lisa Bevill | mp3 | trac | |
John 1:12 | Kim Hill | mp3 | trac | |
Revelations 3:20 | Fiona Mellett ( | mp3 | trac | |
I John 5:13 | Kim Hill | mp3 | trac | |
John 5:24 | Fiona Mellett | mp3 | trac | |
*This song is also available in a Piano/Vocal version in Calls To Worship. |
All Scripture Release (the Nav TMS) songs were written by: Dave Cook, with two exceptions. Hebrews 9:27 & John 1:12 were written by Michael Demus ©2002 Never The Less Music (ASCAP)